Pairwise Scatterplots (Continuous Traits)
This function plots pairwise scatter-plots of all graders in the input data-frame on any variable of interest.
- df
Data-frame in long format.
- device_status
A boolean denoting if df is the device data-frame; default assumes grader data-frame. This parameter is arbitrary if your df2 is not null.
- df2
If not null, df2 must be the device data-frame in long format.
- variable
A valid column name denoting the variable of interest
- line
A boolean for plotting y = x; default is set to TRUE.
data("expert_graders", package = "meatrics")
pairwise_scatter(expert_graders, variable = "ema", line = TRUE, device = FALSE)
pairwise_scatter(expert_graders, variable = "msa_marbling", line = FALSE, device = FALSE)